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Did you know that the food you eat can actually impact your energy levels? Food is energy! So what you eat can absolutely affect you! And those who are energy sensitive can be impacted even more than those who are not. For empaths and sensitives, it is important to eat a high-energy diet.
Most people don’t think about the energy of food. If you are eating a lot of highly processed food, there most likely won’t be a lot of vibrant, positive energy there because those foods are very dead. But if you are eating a diet filled with organic fruits and vegetables and meat, dairy, and eggs from animals that were allowed to live free-range and treated well and with compassion, then the energy will be a whole lot better!
Maybe you’ve considered improving your diet for health reasons but don’t know how to start. Here are some tips that can help! The good news is that there are things that can be done to make the transition easier.
Going overboard
Now, I will admit that in the past, when I started a new way of eating, I would go into it with gusto. It was common for me to hit my kitchen with a vengeance, cleaning out every “bad” food from my cupboards and fridge.
I still hang my head in shame, thinking about all of the money wasted as I gathered food to deliver to the local food pantry. And I threw away too much in the garbage can! Yikes!!! When I made the decision to transition to a higher-energy, real food way of eating, I knew that I couldn’t just charge ahead and do what I had done previously.
I am simply not bringing in as much income as I was one year ago. And so, affording to completely clear out my diet and replace it with organic produce and pastured meats just wasn’t an option for me. But I also know that on a mental and emotional level, easing into a completely new way of eating is much easier to handle, and it gives me plenty of time to discover new recipes to have in my cooking arsenal to make things easier.
What I let go of first
The first thing that I decided to do was to give up sugary soft drinks, sweetened coffee drinks, and juices. I replaced those primarily with some good spring water (which is very high vibrational), and if I really need something sweet to drink, I will fix myself a cold organic decaf chai latte or some fresh-squeezed lemonade, sweetened with stevia. If I want bubbles…I grab sparkling water. It took a little getting used to, and occasionally I get a craving, but it’s been pretty painless…..for the most part.
The second decision was to give up all of the chemical-filled, processed snack foods. Now I really love raw, unsalted almonds, and bananas with a little bit of almond butter. I keep plenty of easy, healthy snacks around. That really helps for those moments when I get hungry but my meal isn’t ready yet!
I still have a VERY small amount of processed snacks, But I often find myself reaching for a piece of fruit, some cut veggies, or a handful of almonds to snack on. They just make me feel better. The processed foods leave me much more lethargic and I tend to feel much yuckier when I consume too many highly processed foods. Luckily for me, I had already cut out fast food, and I really don’t miss it.
If I am going to go for fast food, now I try to opt for better choices and avoid burgers and fries! Those things just make me feel sluggish and gross now. There are so many healthier fast food options than there were even 5 years ago. And that makes it much easier!
Canned goods….yay or nay?
I’ve made the choice to not completely do away with canned goods. But I am cutting way back and using far more fresh and frozen. The few canned goods that I do use, come from companies that use BPA-free cans. But diced tomatoes that I use for cooking will be canned. I have become an avid label reader. I will not put something in my shopping cart without knowing what is in it. It was shocking to me how much-hidden sugar and chemicals are being smuggled into products that I would not expect them to be in.
I avoid those products now. A little label reading can help you to find the products that are the cleanest and those you should avoid! As I used up my old, processed foods, they were replaced with primarily whole food options. I’ve found that these foods taste better, fill me up longer and give me more energy. I am now eating about 80-95% whole, high-energy foods.
So if you are transitioning to a high-energy diet, what can you do?
Reduce the amount of fast food you are consuming
Limit the number of times you drive through the drive-thru. Choose restaurants that have healthier food options using fresh local ingredients when possible. Eventually, work towards phasing fast food out completely. Once you do, you will discover quickly just how bad those foods make you feel if you consume them again!
Choose which foods you are going to ultimately give up
Then don’t buy any more of that item when you do your shopping. You don’t have to throw it away if you already have it in the cupboard. Use what you have, and don’t purchase any more. Simple! You can always opt to donate unused canned and packaged goods if you want. Non-perishables are always welcome at local food pantries.
Start moving away from boxed or packaged meals and start cooking from scratch
There are lots of great recipes that are simple and quick. Many recipes don’t take much more time than fixing a packaged meal. They are much healthier for you! And they taste better and are way more satisfying! Just look for recipes that have a short preparation and cook time. Using kitchen tools such as slow cookers, pressure cookers, and air fryers can also make cooking whole food, healthy meals MUCH easier!
It is one of the best habits you can get into when you’re shopping. There are lots of hidden chemicals, sugar, artificial colors, artificial flavors, and preservatives in so much packaged food. Know what you are buying and ultimately putting in your body. Knowledge is power, so educate yourself! Once you start reading labels, you will get angry at how much junk food companies are selling to us. I did! Go to your local grocery store and look at the labels of foods you commonly ate before. You may be shocked at what you were actually consuming!
Organic or conventional?
This is an important question! The major difference between the two types of foods is that conventionally grown produce, meats, dairy, and eggs will have been exposed to toxins in the form of pesticides, herbicides, and fungicides. The meat, dairy, and eggs may have also been exposed to drugs such as antibiotics and hormones. Those things can reduce the frequency of those foods. So while conventional whole foods such as these are lower energy than their organic counterparts, they are still much better than factory processed foods in a high-energy diet.
The energy frequency of foods
It is important to know which types of foods have higher frequency levels and which are lower. It will be nearly impossible to eat 100% high-energy, high-vibrational foods all of the time. And you will easily wind up at a low vibration if you put pressure on yourself to try to be perfect. The goal is to eat more high-energy foods in your diet than low-energy foods!
Let’s look at the energy of foods from the lowest to the highest!
Which are best for a high-energy diet?
Conventional factory processed foods
The more processed it is, the worse it will be. For these foods, most vital nutrients have been stripped away and replaced with synthetic vitamins. These foods are full of chemical additives, such as artificial flavorings, colorings, and preservatives.
Organic factory processed foods
Let’s be honest here….even if highly factory-processed food says it’s organic, it still isn’t going to be the best for your body. And while it won’t have all of the chemicals found in conventional foods, it’s still not going to be great for your body. This type of food is still relatively dead. So it’s best to use these foods minimally
Conventionally raised meat, eggs, and dairy
These foods are a step up from factory-processed foods. But these animals are still given feed that has been treated with pesticides, herbicides, and fungicides. And they may be given antibiotics and hormones that will then make their way to you. They also often face difficult living conditions that place tremendous stress on the animal in life All of this can impact you. So these foods have moderately low energy.
Organically raised meat, eggs, and dairy
If you are purchasing these foods from animals that were free-range animals, allowed to naturally graze and free from chemicals and drugs then you have gone another step up in energy. These foods however are still moderately low in energy. Does this mean that you have to go vegan? Nope, they will just need to be paired with some higher-energy foods for the best balance. I eat meat daily with plenty of high-energy foods!
Conventionally raised fruits and vegetables
Now we’re starting to get to the higher end of the energetic spectrum! Whole, fresh fruits and vegetables are much higher in vibrational frequency than the other foods we’ve looked at so far. Conventionally raised fruits and vegetables have been exposed to chemical pesticides, herbicides, and fungicides. So unfortunately these things do lower the energy a bit. But they are still much better than conventional factory-processed foods!!! What about frozen fruits and vegetables? Many of these are almost as high in energy as their fresh counterparts, so they can be a good alternative when needed. What about canned? Those have been factory processed and as a result, much of the vital energy has been depleted, so they should be your last option for produce.
Organic fruits and vegetables
Fresh fruit and vegetables that are free from chemicals are fantastic, high-energy foods! Yes, organic can be more expensive. But there are some fruits and vegetables that are best purchased organic because of the high level of toxic chemicals that they are exposed to. You can find that list of’s Dirty Dozen fruits and vegetables.
There is also conventional produce that is okay to purchase because it is relatively free from chemical contamination. You can find that on’s Clean Fifteen.
Dried and Fresh Herbs
There is actually something that has a higher energy level than fresh fruits and veggies…and that is herbs! Dried herbs are slightly higher in energy than organic produce, and fresh herbs are vibing very high! Of course, organic is better than conventional when possible!
There’s a lot you can do to use food to help raise your energy. That can help to keep you healthy and thriving! The goal is not perfection, but to make better energetic choices with your food the majority of the time.
It is okay to transition to a high-energy diet at a pace that works for you and your family. Whole food higher energy eating is about lifestyle change and is not a diet! If you transition slowly, you will be more likely to make those changes permanent. Don’t forget to have fun while discovering all of the new flavors of whole foods. They really are good…and good for you!
Fermented Foods and Beverages
There are now some energy experts who are saying that fermented foods and beverages such as kefir, kombucha, kimchee, fermented sauerkraut, and others are higher in frequency than everything else. They are full of beneficial bacteria that are good for your gut and a good way to help boost your digestive system. Just be careful of added sugars in store-bought varieties. Homemade is always the best bet, but there are plenty of decent store-bought versions that don’t contain lots of added additives and sugar!
Changing the way you eat to a high-energy diet is a powerful way to help keep yourself healthy as an energy sensitive!